Cecilia + Jacob Canyonlands Adventure Elopement

When Jacob and Cecilia first contacted me about shooting their elopement in Canyonlands I was thrilled. I was a park ranger in Canyonlands (hubby still is) and spent four years living within its borders. I brought my babies home from the hospital here. I had no internet, cell phone or stores. I learned the night sky and ran every trail. To say it feels like home is an understatement. As I heard their story unfold, I knew I had to be a part of it. They fell in love on their first backpacking trip in the Needles district of Canyonlands. They didn’t have enough water and had to lean on each other for survival and support. Surprisingly, that trip solidified their love for both each other, Canyonlands and backpacking. So naturally it was here that they had to make their union official. Their adventure elopement was an incredible experience!